Getting to know Lucie’s MediSpa

The fabulous thing about Port Credit, Mississauga is the endless options available to its community members. From night life, resultants, recreational activities, beautiful parks, the list just goes on and on. However it is simple to decide which memorial park has the best view of Lake Ontario, or which restaurant seasons your steak perfectly. What may be more complicated is which spa will you call yours? Although Lucie’s MediSpa is relatively new to this beautiful area, we have been in business for 7 years.
What are some ways to get better acquainted with us? If you’re a little on the shy side, not to worry! Please feel free to check out any of social media outlets. Our Facebook page and Instagram account are updated multiple times daily, featuring consenting clients, before and after photos, live and prerecorded videos of procedures, product information, and any specials we are currently offering. Our website is also constantly being updated to be more accessible for our visitors, so please check us out for all information on any of our products, services, or specials.
Need more convincing? Perhaps you’ll feel a little better after you have checked out some of our many incredibly positive Google reviews! Quit often we log on and find very genuine, constructive, and positive feedback provided by actual clients on our Google review page. You can view any of our reviews simply by clicking “review” after giving us a Google search.
Have any specific questions? There are numerous ways for anyone who is interested or has questions to get ahold of us. On each product, service, or special page of our website includes an email section which will allow you get into direct contact with us at any time. Additionally we welcome any comments or direct messages via our business Facebook page or Instagram. New to Lucie’s MediSpa is our texting feature! Our spa number is (647) 888-8809 and this can be used to either call or text any questions or inquires you may have. Prefer to do things the old fashioned way? Come on in and have a chat with any of our specially trained staff. We would absolutely love to speak with you in person. With informational packages and products on display we are confident that you will leave feeling reassured and informed on whatever your concerns are. And remember – consultations are free and nonobligatory so you can feel even more at ease while you visit with us.