5 Things to Know About Laser Tattoo Removal
According to National Post , 21% of Canadians have a tattoo and nearly 17% of them regret getting it later on in their life. If you’re ready to remove that unwanted tattoo you got when you were 17 years old on your bicep, here’s a few things you should know before undergoing the laser tattoo removal that many cosmetic surgery centres are now offering. Laser removers work by penetrating the skin, breaking up the ink particles, which would bring the ink from inside of your skin cells outside of them. When this happens, your body’s own immune system recognizes the ink as a foreign object and gradually eliminates it over time through your lymphatic system.
1. Find a good reputable doctor to perform the removal:
Start by talking to your family doctor. Have them refer you to a dermatologist and go from there. The dermatologist should give you a list of well-known, and professional tattoo surgery centres. Make sure you do your research about the centres as well before you commit to one and book your appointment. You’re looking for the one with the best reviews.
2 .Book a consultation first:
Each tattoo is unique and and will require different amounts of visitations and removing treatments. Keep in mind that the age, size, type of tattoo (amateur or professional) colour of the patient’s skin, as well as the depth to which the tattoo pigment extends and placement of your tattoo will also affect the removal technique and amount of sessions it will take for your tattoo to be removed. Treatments start from 3 to over 10 sessions for complete results. A professional will consult with you depending on your tattoo situation and tell you what to expect.
3. What happens during a treatment:
– Protective eye shields are worn by the patient
– The skin’s reaction to the laser is tested to determine the most effective energy level for treatment.
– The treatment itself consists of placing a laser device against the surface of the skin and activating the laser light.
– Small tattoos require small pulses, while larger ones require larger pulses. Larger tattoos require more visitations, but should become lighter over the course of treatments.
– An ice pack is then applied to soothe the treated area. Topical antibiotic cream or ointment is applied to the area and then bandaged or patched to protect it. Sunblock can be later applied to protect from the sun.
4. Painkillers:
Many patients describe each pulse feels like the snapping of a rubber band against the skin. This operation can be somewhat painful, depending on the size and placement of the tattoo. Most patients do not require any painkillers . However, depending on the location of the tattoo and the pain endurance , you can use oral painkillers like Tylenol.
5. After Care:
In Order to help skin heal faster , after care can help you relieve faster. Tattoo removal procedure can cause skin to look bruised superficially. We advise to AVOID these activities to help with the recovery.
-Direct sun exposure
-Pool water
-Hot Baths
-Aspirin, Ibuprofens, naproxens as they cause burning.
-Shaving on the treated area
-Sunscreen on the treated area
-Spray Tans
For relief apply Aquaphor, Neosporin, Polysporin on affected area. Also, keep the treated area clean with antibacterial soaps. For pain relief use Tylenol.
Categories: Tattoo Removal